Here are local businesses that compost:


"We compost to put our fruit waste to good use and have a better impact on our local community." Paul, King of Pops


"We decided to compost our food waste so we can have a better purpose for these wastes other than just throwing it in the trash. We are recycling, which is awesome! In turn, our trash loads are significantly less and the rotting smell is all but eliminated from our trash room! Love love love this idea, the service and Bruno, of course!" Dawn, Aloha Cafe

"Ginger Juice Company strives to be community driven in every aspect of our work, even when finding a home for our waste!  The cold press process creates hundreds of pounds of waste per week.  Our partnership with Compost RVA ensures that we are doing everything we can to have our waste become another person's treasure!" Nicole, Ginger Juice


"It's hard for me to describe why we choose to compost... because it isn't exactly a choice when it's just the way things should be done, ya know?" Nils, King of pops


"I compost with you because 'all the cool kids are doing it.' I like adding as many sustainable practices to my business as possible, and you make adding composting easy and affordable." Kristina, Nimbus


"After months of composting and recycling through Compost RVA, we had a weekend when we did not compost or recycle at all. Everyone was surprised how much more food and other waste the restaurant was producing. I can confidently say composting and recycling reduced our waste by half every day." Sarah, Shoryuken

Take Action

Ready to compost? You can become a composter too, and make that first step to true sustainability.

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